[mobi] Skhirat A Tazmamart 33 Ebook Zip Full Edition _BEST_
De Skhirat A Tazmamart Pdf 33
Multiple Grammar Test
This is a test that will determine whether or not your knowledge of Arabic grammar is above average. The questions are drawn from the essential skills taught in most Arabic courses, but it also includes some "fillers" to determine if you have good general knowledge about the language. I recommend that you take this test twice, once with the answer key available and once without it. The first time you take it, answer all of the questions under your own steam to get an idea of how well you know the language. Then check your answers to see which ones are correct against those given below. The second time you take the test, take it only with the answer key. Again, check your answers to see which ones are correct against those given below. Note: There is a space before and after the question and answer, but no spaces between each question.For example: "Write in Arabic what is said by the politician..."Answer: كتب الجمهورية أن رئيس الجمهورية گفت بأن... If you remain unsure whether or not your answer is correct, you can always reread the question and try again. ============================ The following are the questions. I have numbered each question. The corresponding answer is listed in brackets.
Question 1: What does the politician say? Write in Arabic.(1) الجمهورية تتفاوت في... (2)... (3)... (4) _________ هذه الأمة تنادي…(5)... ... ... ... … ... ... ... .. . _______.. . . ../__/__/__/__/__/. / / / / / /. . . /__/__/__/__/____. . . ../____/. / /Question 2: What does the politician say? Write in Arabic.(1) الدكتور رضائي الذي يسمى... (2)... (3)... (4) _________ هذا سبب فعله أن… (5)... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. . _______.. . . ../___/___/___/. / / / /. . . ./_____/. /____.Question 3: The politician says: "I trust my doctor. Write the word for trust in Arabic.(1): الحوثي... (2)... ... ... ... ... .. .. . ___________. . . ../__/__/__/. / / / /___. . . ./_____/. /____.Question 4: The politician says: "I trust my doctor." Write the word for trust in Arabic.(1): الدكتور رضائي... (2)... ... ... ... ... .. .. . _________ رأيت أن... (5).... .... .... ...... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ............ ............ .......... .................. ............... ................. .......... .......... ..........
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